2016 DECA States Results -
Detroit, Michigan - CObo center
March 11th-13th, 2016
State Champions
Allison Menge – Advertising Campaign
Joshua Marquardt - Automotive Marketing
Phoebe Johnson – Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan
Kaycee Siebler – Food Marketing
Daniel Stein – Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Grant McLean – Principles of Marketing
Siva Senthil – Principles of Marketing
Sofia Keen – Sports Operations Research
Lauren Ruttenberg - Sports Operations Research
Mackenzie Stoy - Sports Operations Research
State Champion Runners Up – 2nd place in the State of Michigan
Juliana Collet - Apparel & Accessories Marketing
Cassandra Woolley– Hotel & Lodging Marketing
Lauren Albert – Marketing Management
Ian Ricoy – Marketing Management
John Kunec – Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Evan Jiang – Hospitality Services
Andrew Meza – Hospitality Services
Occupational Exam Winners (Top 5 in Event):
Andrew Marquardt – Automotive Marketing
Madeline Bacalor– Business Services Marketing
Gage Sansbury – Hotel & Lodging Marketing
Curtis Fang – Human Resource Management
Grace Newman– Restaurant & Food Service Management
Spencer Wilkerson – Retail Merchandising
Grant McLean – Principles of Marketing
Case Problem Role Play Winners (First Place in Event):
Allison Menge – Advertising Campaign
Juliana Collet – Apparel and Accessories Marketing
Kaycee Siebler – Food Marketing
Lauren Albert – Marketing Management
Siva Senthil – Principles of Marketing
Grant McLean – Principles of Marketing
DECA is an association of marketing students that conducts academic games competitions and educational field trips for students interested in management, marketing, and entrepreneurial careers. DECA is one of the largest youth organizations in The United States with a membership of approximately 200,000 students in the high school division. There are approximately 250 Michigan High Schools that offer DECA as part of their high school curriculum. Since Pioneer DECA was established in 1980, there have been 177 Pioneer Michigan State DECA Champions who qualified for and participated in the International DECA Championship in various U.S. cities. This year’s conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee.
DECA is a co-curricular activity specifically designed to challenge and motivate high school marketing and business students. DECA at Pioneer High School is a part of the marketing, sports marketing, and entrepreneurship education’s curriculum. Impromptu role-plays of business case problems or defending written business plans with volunteer business professionals serving as judges are the main focus of the conferences that Pioneer will enter. All role-plays will be based upon oral presentation and problem-solving skills taught in Pioneer’s Marketing and Business classrooms. Some of the role-plays have involved such situations at job interviews, sales presentations, customer complaints, advertising campaigns, marketing strategies, employee motivation, business proposals, and financial analysis. Students must also score well on online examinations based upon topics taught in their marketing, sports marketing, and entrepreneurship classrooms. Students prepare for DECA competition by enrolling in Pioneer’s Marketing Education class, Sports and Entertainment Marketing class, Business Education classes, and/or enrolling in the Cooperative Occupational (C.O.E.) Program where they can experience many of the situations at a paid work experience.
Allison Menge – Advertising Campaign
Joshua Marquardt - Automotive Marketing
Phoebe Johnson – Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan
Kaycee Siebler – Food Marketing
Daniel Stein – Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Grant McLean – Principles of Marketing
Siva Senthil – Principles of Marketing
Sofia Keen – Sports Operations Research
Lauren Ruttenberg - Sports Operations Research
Mackenzie Stoy - Sports Operations Research
State Champion Runners Up – 2nd place in the State of Michigan
Juliana Collet - Apparel & Accessories Marketing
Cassandra Woolley– Hotel & Lodging Marketing
Lauren Albert – Marketing Management
Ian Ricoy – Marketing Management
John Kunec – Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Evan Jiang – Hospitality Services
Andrew Meza – Hospitality Services
Occupational Exam Winners (Top 5 in Event):
Andrew Marquardt – Automotive Marketing
Madeline Bacalor– Business Services Marketing
Gage Sansbury – Hotel & Lodging Marketing
Curtis Fang – Human Resource Management
Grace Newman– Restaurant & Food Service Management
Spencer Wilkerson – Retail Merchandising
Grant McLean – Principles of Marketing
Case Problem Role Play Winners (First Place in Event):
Allison Menge – Advertising Campaign
Juliana Collet – Apparel and Accessories Marketing
Kaycee Siebler – Food Marketing
Lauren Albert – Marketing Management
Siva Senthil – Principles of Marketing
Grant McLean – Principles of Marketing
DECA is an association of marketing students that conducts academic games competitions and educational field trips for students interested in management, marketing, and entrepreneurial careers. DECA is one of the largest youth organizations in The United States with a membership of approximately 200,000 students in the high school division. There are approximately 250 Michigan High Schools that offer DECA as part of their high school curriculum. Since Pioneer DECA was established in 1980, there have been 177 Pioneer Michigan State DECA Champions who qualified for and participated in the International DECA Championship in various U.S. cities. This year’s conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee.
DECA is a co-curricular activity specifically designed to challenge and motivate high school marketing and business students. DECA at Pioneer High School is a part of the marketing, sports marketing, and entrepreneurship education’s curriculum. Impromptu role-plays of business case problems or defending written business plans with volunteer business professionals serving as judges are the main focus of the conferences that Pioneer will enter. All role-plays will be based upon oral presentation and problem-solving skills taught in Pioneer’s Marketing and Business classrooms. Some of the role-plays have involved such situations at job interviews, sales presentations, customer complaints, advertising campaigns, marketing strategies, employee motivation, business proposals, and financial analysis. Students must also score well on online examinations based upon topics taught in their marketing, sports marketing, and entrepreneurship classrooms. Students prepare for DECA competition by enrolling in Pioneer’s Marketing Education class, Sports and Entertainment Marketing class, Business Education classes, and/or enrolling in the Cooperative Occupational (C.O.E.) Program where they can experience many of the situations at a paid work experience.